Friday, 11 November 2011

What do you think when you look at this picture?

We all think in pictures and images and it is those thoughts that create actions. It is therefore important to try and keep your thoughts positive to guide your actions.

If you want to lose weight for example you need to start seeing yourself in a more positive way, slim, happy and confident. Then you will naturally make more healthy food choices because you want to. Not because you are on some faddy short term diet. When you are making these new healthy choices voluntarily you will be able to stick to them with much less effort and then you will be able to make long term changes.

If you would like to learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you with weight loss please visit my website for more information

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

NHS are Running a Study into the Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy in Childbirth

This current study is being run by Professor Soo Downe and it will involve over 800 first time mothers chosen from hospitals in Blackburn and Burnley. This trial will last 18 months and it will look at hypnotherapy and Self Hypnosis in Birthing. If the results are favourable then more research in this area and others will be carried out by doing further trials across th UK.
Hypnosis or hypnotherapy for childbirth is also called hypnobirthing was first started in Australia and it has been used here in the UK for the past 15 years.
It gives Pregnant women the opportunity to manage their labour themselves at home or in hospital in a more relaxed and calm way. This is both as helpful for the mother as it is for the newborn baby. Learning self hypnosis including relaxation and breathing techniques before giving birth can be very valuable for pain control and stress reduction both during pregnancy and birth. Most people will need about 4 or 5 teaching hypnotherapy sessions normally undertaken during the second half from about 30 - 35 weeks pregnancy whilst practicing themselves with a cd for use at home.

This kind of relaxation practice can be invaluable for women who are working stressful jobs or have busy homelives and other demands throughout their pregnancy.
It is also helpful for mothers who have had a previous bad birthing experience and those who are anxious about giving birth. Hypnobirthing is suitable both for first time mothers or those who already have chlldren. It can help with confidence and self esteem as well as pain control and relaxation and it can be learnt easily as contrary to popular belief everyone can be hypnotised just to varying degrees. it doesn't promise a pain free labor but it can help to control pain.

Mothers who have been through the hypnobirthing experience report feeling more in control of their birth they are not out of it at all but more focused and confident. they also report less pain, tension and a quicker easier labor. Midwives are now able to train as teachers of hypnobirthing so it is being used more widely than ever as is becoming increasingly popular. If the NHS study proves sucessfull it will be more available to expectant mothers in the UK.There are many basic hypnosis techniques that can be used throughout pregnancy and childbirth for the purposes of relaxation, sleep, physical comfort, preparation for childbirth and preparation for parenthood.

Lisa Smith is a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist at Cheshire Hypnotherapy Est 10yrs in Altrincham. I am a member of the National Council for hypnotherapy. I often help clients with psychological issues such as stress and anxiety. I also help clients with Phobias, IBS, Insomnia, Bulimia and childbirth. Hypnotherapy is also great for stopping smoking and weight loss. Please visit for more information about hypnotherapy and health issues. My blog is

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Hypnotherapy Can Help Stress Anxiety Habits and Phobias

Stress, Anxiety Habits and Phobias are all linked in some way. For example Stress causes anxiety and feeling anxious is stressful, Phobias cause stress because they are basically a fear of something.
Also a habit like smoking can be stressful because the smoker is aware of all the health dangers and if the smoker tries to stop smoking they feel stressed due to the change in their life.
Some people find it much harder than others to get rid of habits such as nail biting, smoking or hair puling, even over eating can be a habit.
A person with a fear of small spaces or claustrophobia will feel anxious if they have to get in a lift and someone who has a fear of spiders will be stressed and Anxious if they see a spider or even if they think they have seen a spider. A flying phobia can mean that a person never travels abroad. Some phobias are more unusual such as a fear of leaves or wet matches.
When a person is stressed there may be other issues such as panic attacks, eating problems or sleep disturbance, depression, headaches, weight gain or weight loss and Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.
Anxiety causes fear and it can be very isolating and frightening especially if panic attacks are frequent. The sweating and palpitations are a very real and sometimes scary physical symptom of Anxiety.
All of these discussed symptoms are treatable with hypnotherapy and hypnosis. Teaching the client how to relax then using hypnotherapy to help them to deal with condition, and sometimes even getting rid of the condition or problem completely. Hypnotherapy can also help the client to recognize the trigger to their problem, and help to rebuild their self esteem and confidence.