Hypnotherapy Can Help Stress Anxiety Habits
and Phobias
Also a habit like smoking can be stressful because the smoker is aware of all the health dangers and if the smoker tries to stop smoking they feel stressed due to the change in their life.
Some people find it much harder than others to get rid of habits such as nail biting, smoking or hair puling, even over eating can be a habit.
A person with a fear of small spaces or claustrophobia will feel anxious if they have to get in a lift and someone who has a fear of spiders will be stressed and Anxious if they see a spider or even if they think they have seen a spider. A flying phobia can mean that a person never travels abroad. Some phobias are more unusual such as a fear of leaves or wet matches.
When a person is stressed there may be other issues such as panic attacks, eating problems or sleep disturbance, depression, headaches, weight gain or weight loss and Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.
Anxiety causes fear and it can be very isolating and frightening especially if panic attacks are frequent. The sweating and palpitations are a very real and sometimes scary physical symptom of Anxiety.
All of these discussed symptoms are treatable with hypnotherapy and hypnosis. Teaching the client how to relax then using hypnotherapy to help them to deal with condition, and sometimes even getting rid of the condition or problem completely. Hypnotherapy can also help the client to recognize the trigger to their problem, and help to rebuild their self esteem and confidence.